Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WWYC? Who would you Cast?

If anyone has been to the movies lately, let alone turned on the television, we have been bombarded with movie trailers for upcoming zombie films. Warm Bodies and World War Z being the top two that I have seen recently. That got me started thinking. I would literally, almost (don't arrest me), kill to see Dr. Eve Zombie Killer on the big screen. So since it's Oscars month, I decided that we should all be inspired by the movies! So who, in your fabulous opinions, would you cast as the main characters if Dr. Eve were made into big screen awesomeness? My choices would be:

      Dr. Eve/Madam Faust: Evangeline Lilly
      Derek: Gerard Butler
      Penny Plunkitt: Hilary Swank
      Salvo Satore: Scott Caan 
      Herr Curtisfield (Toady): Stanley Tucci
      Bradley: Aaron Eckhart
      Earl: Tim Blake Nelson
      Dr. Hanes: Jude Law

   These were just my first few impressions! I can't wait for people to get their debate on who should play who! Lets hear it folks! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!! The Huntress Fan, signing off!


Contest winners! Fantastically creepy!

Welcome back all! Last time we spoke I mentioned that there was an art contest going on over at Labyrinth of Arts site for the Dr. Eve books! I submitted mine, and not surprisingly, it didn't win. I wouldn't have picked mine either! How to make zombie stick figures is an art that is beyond my capabilities. (^_^) However, the winners were amazing! I was so impressed that they really captured the moment and inherent creepy freakiness that Dr. Eve zombies are known for. Congratulations to the winners! Sean Higgins and Cynthia Cox!! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!! The Huntress Fan, signing off.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Calling All Artists!

     I have exciting news to share with everyone! I was browsing on the Labyrinth of Arts website (the wonderful site of the author of our favorite Dr. Eve series), and I noticed that M. White has an art contest for interior artwork to go into the interior section of Dr. Eve!! AHHH!! There has never been a point in my life where I have so desperately wished that I could draw! What an amazing opportunity for an artist! Not only do you get amazing exposure by having your artwork in a book that is read by thousands upon thousands of people (as if that alone weren't enough!), there is also a $50.00 cash prize and a Starbucks giftcard! Suffice to say I am extraordinarily jealous of those who can draw, paint, etc., since I was born with the ability to destroy the most simple of stick figures. So all you artists out there need to go over and sign up! I'm half tempted to draw my horrendously mutilated stick figures and send them in just so I can say I tried lol! I will post the link to the contest below so you can read up on the rules and such! Good luck all! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!
           The Huntress Fan, signing off

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Zombie Resolutions!

    Since the Mayans failed to accurately predict the end of the world, I guess I should say welcome back and happy survival! I hope everyone had an appetizing holiday season! In light of the new year, I'd like to comment upon New Years Resolutions. You know, those things that everyone gets all gung-ho about the first two weeks of the year then sweep under the rug? LOL! But realistically, in today's world a good majority of people have something that they would like to accomplish or change in the New Year. So, here I am going to invite everyone to think a little differently today! Instead of being trapped by the "human" experience, I'm going to ask everyone to share what their New Years Resolutions would be if they WERE zombies. I made up a few and definitely had myself laughing! I know typical zombie nomenclature refers to zombies as not having the power to think, but lets relax those rules in the spirit of the New Year! Enjoy! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain! Huntress Fan, Signing Off. zombie New Year Resolution is....

        -To awkwardly limp/run after hysterical citizens and not lose any more limbs
        -Try to stop rotting
     What will your zombie resolution be?

Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Zombieka!!

    As we all look to the holiday season, we should appreciate all the finer things in life. Like not rotting through the holiday, being run down by a horde of flesh eating zombies, etc. In honor of this wonderful holiday season, I have scoured the internet to find some absolutely appetizing Zombie carols for your apocalyptic pleasure! Enjoy! And Merry Zombiemas!

Rudolph, The Zombie Reindeer
Sung to the tune of “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
He ate Dasher, then Dancer,
Then Prancer and Vixen.
He downed Comet and Cupid
And Donner and Blitzen.
Yes, he ate them all, the most
Famous undead reindeer of all:
Rudolph, the zombie reindeer,
Caught the virus through his nose.
And if you ever saw him,
You would even say he’s gross.
All of the other reindeer
Tried real hard to get away.
But they didn’t count on Rudolph
Eating them anyway.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Santa came to say:
“Rudolph, with your Zombie blight,
Who’s gonna pull my sleigh tonight?”
Rudolph instead just ate him,
Munching Santa’s brain with glee,
Rudolph, the zombie reindeer,
You changed Christmas history

This is my personal favorite (^_^)

Zombie Wonderland
(Sung to the tune of “Winter Wonderland”)

Undead moan, are you listening?
In the lane, blood is glistening.
A horrible sight,
We’re screaming tonight,
Runnin’ through a Zombie wonderland.

Already turned, is our neighbor!
Zombies here, I belabor.
They moan their own song,
As we scream along,
Sprintin’ through a Zombie wonderland.

In the meadow we can beg for mercy.
They’ve already eaten Parson Brown.
They’ll come for us next
And we’ll say, “No man!”
We’re getting the hell
Out of this town.

Later on, we’ll perspire
As we scream by the fire.
I’ll say we’re afraid
Of the Zombies they’ve made,
Runnin’ through a Zombie wonderland.

Deck the Halls with Parts of Wally
(Sung to the tune of “Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly”)

Deck the Halls with Parts of Wally
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
“Tis the season for brains by golly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Chew we now our friend’s gray matter,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Wear old clothes ‘cause fresh brains splatter,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

See the blazing town before us,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Let’s go in and eat the chorus,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Follow me, we eat with leisure,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
A fresh brain for our Yuletide pleasure.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Slay Ride
(Sung to the tune of “Sleigh Ride”)

Chorus I
Just hear those fresh brains jingling,
And nostrils running with goo.
Come on, it’s lovely weather
To go flesh-eating together with you.

Chorus II
Outside the bodies are falling
And Zombies are calling “woo-hoo”.
Come on, it’s lovely weather
To go flesh-eating together with you.

Take a bite, take a bite, take a bite, let’s go.
Here’s a leg with a shoe,
We’re riding in a wonderland of ooze.

Take a chomp, take a chomp, take a chomp, it’s grand;
An ear’s in my hand.
We’re gliding along with a song
Of a Zombie wonderland.

Their cheeks are nice and tasty
And brains are basting you see.
We’re snuggled up together
Like two flesh-eaters would be.
Let’s take that road before us
And eat a chorus or two.
Come on, it’s lovely weather
To go flesh-eating together with you.

There’s a Zombie party at the home of Farmer Gray.
His brain’ll be the perfect ending of a perfect day;
We’ll be eating the parts we love to eat without a single stop
At the fireplace while we watch the eyeballs pop.
Pop!  Pop!  Pop!

There’s a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy
When they pass around a femur and somebody’s eye—
It’ll be just like a picture print by undead Currier and Ives,
Theses wonderful brains are the brains
We’ll be eating all through our lives!

Repeat Chorus I & II

It’s lovely weather to go flesh-eating together with you.
It’s lovely weather to go flesh-eating together with you.

 Here Comes Zombie Claus
(Sung to the tune of “Here Comes Santa Claus”)

Here comes Zombie Claus, here comes Zombie Claus,
Right down Zombie Claus Lane!
Vixen and Blitzen and his undead reindeer
are eating all the brains
Bells are ringing, children screaming;
All is bloody and bright.
Load your shotgun and say your prayers,
‘Cause Zombie Claus comes tonight.

Here comes Zombie Claus, here comes Zombie Claus,
Right down Zombie Claus Lane!
He’s got a bag that is filled with brains,
And we don’t know where he’s been.
Hear those sleigh bells jingle-jangle
What a horrible night.
Jump in bed, hold onto your head,
‘Cause Zombie Claus comes tonight.

Here comes Zombie Claus, here comes Zombie Claus,
Right down Zombie Claus Lane!
He doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor;
He’ll eat you just the same.
Zombie Claus knows we’re all just protein;
That makes everything right.
So fill your shotgun up with shells
‘Cause Zombie Claus comes tonight.

Here comes Zombie Claus, here comes Zombie Claus,
Right down Zombie Claus Lane!
He’ll come around when the screams ring out
That there’re fresh brains again.
Zombie virus will come to all
If we just cower in fright.
So let’s give thanks to Smith and Wesson,
‘Cause Zombie Claus comes tonight.

   Well I hope you all enjoyed these carols as much as I did. Just a little something to make your holiday a little bit ghoulier! Merry Zombieka to all! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!
     The Huntress Fan, signing off. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What would you grab?

      Okay. So it's the end of the world. You wake up one morning and realize as you look outside your window that the world will never be the same. News reports indicate the outbreak of a zombie pandemic. The question. What ten things would you grab to survive? Food? Water? a tent? Weapons? What, to you, are the most important things to take for your future survival?
      Personally, I would hope to grab:
            * a few cases of water 
            * canned goods
            * as many matches or lighters as I could find and carry
            * an axe (doubling as a weapon AND as a wood tool)
            * a tent
            * blankets
            * guns & ammunition
            * as many antibiotics and medications I could get my hands on
            * sewing kit
      I could only think of nine things that I think are completely essential to survival. I would hope, that since I would have those things, that I may be able to survive for a little while. I have heard that some people are actually starting to stockpile survival supplies, and there is even a television show about it now.
      So folks, drop me a line and let me know what you think are the most important tools to survive! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!
                 The Huntress Fan, signing off

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Welcome to the beginning of the end!

      Welcome to the Un-Official Dr. Eve Zombie Killer blog! I am very excited to get this up and running! Let me give you all a little background about why I was inspired to create this site.
      A few months ago one of my friends, knowing how I consume books on a daily basis, told me about a book she had read called Dr. Eve Zombie killer. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, and nearly laughed in her face. A zombie book? Seriously? I am the type of person who, if forced to, watches scary movies during the day with all the curtains drawn and lights on. I never had a desire to opt-in to the growing Zombie phenomenon, because well frankly, Zombies are gross and most books I had seen, I got maybe a page or two in and gave it a swift dismissal. But my friend had never really steared me wrong so I went to the site to check it out. And I saw one of my favorite things. It was only .99 cents! I'm a cheapskate at heart. That's why this blog is hosted on a free site lol. But back to the story. 
      What could it hurt to pay .99 cents? Even if it was bad I wasn't losing out. So out came my e-reader and I was off. Holy crap was I surprised! I can tell you right now, that after reading Dr. Eve, I have been inducted as an official member of the zombie craze! The book is serialized so when I finished with part one, even though it was o' dark thirty, I immediately had to download part two and three (I knew I wasn't going to be able to wait). So maybe I should tell those who haven't read it what the book is actually about.
      Dr. Eve Zombie Killer is about a medical doctor with a traumatic past. She was close to having all her dreams come true when tragedy struck as her fiance mysteriously disappears on vacation. But that isn't all that occurs. Within her darkest hour she is approached and given a task she would come to embrace. Rise up to become the Huntress, slayer of the undead. Protector of the world. I became completely wrapped up in the characters and the story. Cheering at one point, gasping and praying for them the next. 
      After I finished book one, I knew that other people needed to know about and read this book. My goal is to help others find enjoyment in the world created by M. White, and hopefully, people will find my blog at least a little interesting. While I am new to the whole Zombie culture, I have jumped in wholeheartedly with both feet, and hope to share my new love of the undead with others! 
       So welcome! Feel free to browse around and check back soon where we will be talking about the necessities of Zombie preparedness! Good luck out there folks! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain! 
            The Huntress Fan, signing off.