Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WWYC? Who would you Cast?

If anyone has been to the movies lately, let alone turned on the television, we have been bombarded with movie trailers for upcoming zombie films. Warm Bodies and World War Z being the top two that I have seen recently. That got me started thinking. I would literally, almost (don't arrest me), kill to see Dr. Eve Zombie Killer on the big screen. So since it's Oscars month, I decided that we should all be inspired by the movies! So who, in your fabulous opinions, would you cast as the main characters if Dr. Eve were made into big screen awesomeness? My choices would be:

      Dr. Eve/Madam Faust: Evangeline Lilly
      Derek: Gerard Butler
      Penny Plunkitt: Hilary Swank
      Salvo Satore: Scott Caan 
      Herr Curtisfield (Toady): Stanley Tucci
      Bradley: Aaron Eckhart
      Earl: Tim Blake Nelson
      Dr. Hanes: Jude Law

   These were just my first few impressions! I can't wait for people to get their debate on who should play who! Lets hear it folks! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!! The Huntress Fan, signing off!


Contest winners! Fantastically creepy!

Welcome back all! Last time we spoke I mentioned that there was an art contest going on over at Labyrinth of Arts site for the Dr. Eve books! I submitted mine, and not surprisingly, it didn't win. I wouldn't have picked mine either! How to make zombie stick figures is an art that is beyond my capabilities. (^_^) However, the winners were amazing! I was so impressed that they really captured the moment and inherent creepy freakiness that Dr. Eve zombies are known for. Congratulations to the winners! Sean Higgins and Cynthia Cox!! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!! The Huntress Fan, signing off.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Calling All Artists!

     I have exciting news to share with everyone! I was browsing on the Labyrinth of Arts website (the wonderful site of the author of our favorite Dr. Eve series), and I noticed that M. White has an art contest for interior artwork to go into the interior section of Dr. Eve!! AHHH!! There has never been a point in my life where I have so desperately wished that I could draw! What an amazing opportunity for an artist! Not only do you get amazing exposure by having your artwork in a book that is read by thousands upon thousands of people (as if that alone weren't enough!), there is also a $50.00 cash prize and a Starbucks giftcard! Suffice to say I am extraordinarily jealous of those who can draw, paint, etc., since I was born with the ability to destroy the most simple of stick figures. So all you artists out there need to go over and sign up! I'm half tempted to draw my horrendously mutilated stick figures and send them in just so I can say I tried lol! I will post the link to the contest below so you can read up on the rules and such! Good luck all! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain!
           The Huntress Fan, signing off

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Zombie Resolutions!

    Since the Mayans failed to accurately predict the end of the world, I guess I should say welcome back and happy survival! I hope everyone had an appetizing holiday season! In light of the new year, I'd like to comment upon New Years Resolutions. You know, those things that everyone gets all gung-ho about the first two weeks of the year then sweep under the rug? LOL! But realistically, in today's world a good majority of people have something that they would like to accomplish or change in the New Year. So, here I am going to invite everyone to think a little differently today! Instead of being trapped by the "human" experience, I'm going to ask everyone to share what their New Years Resolutions would be if they WERE zombies. I made up a few and definitely had myself laughing! I know typical zombie nomenclature refers to zombies as not having the power to think, but lets relax those rules in the spirit of the New Year! Enjoy! And remember, when in doubt, aim for the brain! Huntress Fan, Signing Off. zombie New Year Resolution is....

        -To awkwardly limp/run after hysterical citizens and not lose any more limbs
        -Try to stop rotting
     What will your zombie resolution be?